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It is day 7 of my #NoBadSugarFast, and today was uneventful. Well, sort of. Here’s what happened. But first …
  • My Uncle cooked my great auntie breakfast this morning, and I told him not to make me any. (NOTE: If you know how good my uncle’s cooking is, you’ll understand why this was major!!!)
  • I was able to resist the temptation of Pancakes and syrup.
  • Had to take a quick nap but had good energy throughout the day to finish work.
  • Fruit is my favorite candy.
  • I thought my skin was clearing up, but I found 2 pimples. WTW? I’ll ask Google and see what she says. Google’s a Girl, she knows everything. #IJS
  • My palate is getting bored.
  • No major epiphanies today. Just glad I made it to day 7.
Thank you, everyone, for your continued support.

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