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It is day 9 of my #NoBadSugarFast, and today was … well, let me explain.
  • I found some Plant-Based Sausage Patties, and they are so amazing. Had them with eggs and coffee with nondairy creamer.
  • Fish and green beans were good, but not enough. So I ate cashews … the other meat. LOL
  • I’m addicted to the plant-based hot wings. It’s great with a salad.
  • I just couldn’t get enough sleep. So, I slept most of the day away.
  • I woke up at 4 PM, ready to tackle the (rest of the) day!
  • I got work done for my clients.
  • Actually, I’m still working. Since I slept all day, I wonder when I will be tired enough to go to bed.
Until tomorrow … Thank you for your support.

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