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It’s day 2 and here’s how today went. Still #NeedPrayers
  • I’ve reduced my processed foods intake to about 85%. I can’t quite get rid of the salad dressing yet … but see THE WTF. SMH
  • I’ve eaten more salad in the past few days than I have the whole year.
  • I’ve drank more water today than I have in who knows how long.
  • Unsweetened iced tea is getting pretty good without sweetener.
  • My mind is not as foggy  … but see THE BAD.
  • S/N: Yellow Watermelon is Amazing!
  • Today, I was so exhausted. It’s like my brain went on a No Sugar Strike. Like Really? I’ve got things to do, brain.
  •  Even though I ate oatmeal without sugar or sugar substitutes, the trail mix with dried berries still increased my blood sugar level. I guess I added too much trying to get that sweetness. (#Addict)
  • I think my mood will shift any day now because everything I want to eat has #BadSugar.
  • I repeat… #sugar is in EVERYTHING. I’m convinced that Sugar is now taunting me when I read food labels. SMDH
What have y’all experienced that I should expect to feel?

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