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It’s day 4 of my #NoBadSugarFast, and I decided to eat a little chicken, and this is what happened. SMH, But first …
  • I drank coffee today with no sweetener and didn’t gag. #progress
  • I’m getting used to not having bad sugar in most things
  • Getting lots of great recipes, so thanks, everyone
  • I’m getting into a routine, which is cool
  • Today was not a good day. I felt like crap most of the day (see the WHY DID I EAT THAT)
  • Blood sugar won’t go below 200 even after insulin
  • Back is killing me (unrelated to fast, but … it hurts)
  • Not as “regular.”
  • Feeling sluggish
  • I ate a little chicken I made for a family member. It was so good, but my body is mad at me now.
  • I can tell the difference between how I feel when I eat meat and no meat.
  • I think that 1 tbsp of honey in my tea might be a bit much.
S/N: I’m not trying to be a vegetarian or vegan, but I do notice a difference in my energy and #mood when I eat meat. Today, my inner #Sybil started to show.

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