Hello! My name is Tarra & I'm NOT a Vegan!


“I’m just a hungry Black Woman who is sick and tired of eating myself to death…literally.”

I’ve spent over 20 years of my life struggling with diabetes, high blood pressure, and being overweight. I’ve tried diets, supplements, exercise, etc. I would lose the weight, but it was never a lifestyle change so that I would stop and gain even more weight.

When I asked my doctors what I should do, they would just prescribe me medications. And those medications had side effects, which affected other aspects of my health and weight.

I’ve read books, watched health documentaries, and even started, what I thought was, eating “healthy.” Unfortunately, I was believing the brands’ marketing and buying “Low Calorie,” “Low Fat,” “Heart Healthy,” etc. products. But at the end of the day, they were all just processed foods with tons of sugar or salt that was making me more sick.

Then, one day, while watching a food documentary, one of the doctors said,

“A financial professional would tell you that there is no cure for undisciplined behavior. If you don’t save or invest, you will not have money later when you need it. This is the same with eating habits.”

This statement hit home because I am a personal finance expert, media commentator, author, speaker, and former financial institution executive. That is exactly something I would say and have said regarding money. I just never applied it to food and my eating lifestyle.

At that moment, I made the decision to stop eating foods that were slowly killing me and eat foods that would heal me from the diseases I was struggling with.


After watching that food documentary, I decided to go on a “No Bad Sugar Fast#NoBadSugarFast. Every day for 30 days, I posted my daily journey with learning more about the foods I was eating and looking for foods that did not have processed sugar. I quickly learned that at least 90% of what I ate had processed sugar because I mostly ate processed food.

I researched, read articles and books, watched more food and health documentaries, and searched for recipes. I realized that one of the best ways to reduce or eliminate my health issues was through a plant-based diet.

During the #NoBadSugarFast, I understood that this change could not and would not be temporary; rather, it would become a new lifestyle for me.

Knowing myself, I knew that I needed a support network, so I created a FaceBook group called “I’m NOT a Vegan: Plant-Based, Vegetarian & Pescatarian Recipes.” In order to keep up with and share my new recipes, as well as document my journey, I started this website.

I hope everyone who reads and visits this site knows they are not alone in their journey to a healthier lifestyle and may find inspiration to start or keep it going.

For the record, I love #Vegans … but #ImNOTaVegan! 😉