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I am diabetic with high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Not to mention, I am over 50+ lbs overweight. So, today, I decided that I would stop eating anything with processed sugar. I’m not sure how this will work out, but I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired. So, here goes …

I went grocery shopping today to buy some fruit, berries, nuts, fresh fish, … just food.  This is what I experienced. #NeedPrayers


  • Processed Sugar is in EVERYTHING!!! I thought I was doing good by getting some Nuts & Dried Berries in the fruit/veggies area, but the 2nd ingredient is …. SUGAR! smdh
  • Fresh seafood is so freakin expensive! I’ll start off with two salmon filets.
  • I guess I’ll have to try other cut-up veggies for flavor (I hate raw onions)
  • It took forever to shop because I was reading everything, and YUP, it all had processed Sugar (even the healthy cereals and granola)
  • S/N …How in the world am I going to drink coffee without sweetener (just as bad as processed sugar) DOH


  • Why y’all ain’t tell me that Plantain Chips were better than potato chips?
  • At least Fruit has good sugars (in moderation)
  • Sesame Seeds and Cashews are my favorite
  • Strawberries and blackberries have less sugar but will be my snacks
  • Salads are NOT as bad as I thought. But I’m still using Salad Dressing (baby steps – don’t judge me)
  • I’m drinking more water.


  • Cold turkey is not possible for everyone. Baby steps count
  • Weening off sweeteners will be my process. Less usage every day may help … I hope.
  • What I want to change won’t change overnight, so I guess I’ll need a few accountability partners. #Shrugs #WhosIn???

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