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It is day 27 of my #NoBadSugarFast, and I ate something today, and this is what it did to me. But first…


  • I made a Vegan Pizza!!! Yes, it was yummy. I had to eat it with a knife and fork, but next time ill use a flatbread instead of the tortilla. Other than that… I’m hooked!

  • Flaxseed powder is amazing! It actually naturally lowers my blood sugar. It is magic in my smoothie, 2 tbsp in my smoothie.
  • I am noticing more of what I eat and how it affects my blood sugar in a good way.


  • I got a fish sandwich from a restaurant and … Let me explain…


So, I got a fish sandwich from a restaurant. The person who ordered the pick-up order for me forgot to tell them to add the cheese and asked for tomato instead. I’ll chalk that up to the universe looking out for me. I didn’t need the cheese anyway.

Although the fish sandwich was good, about an hour later, my blood sugar shot up from 154 to 302.

I started feeling dizzy and lethargic. I haven’t felt that way in a while.

That’s when I remembered… This is the food that is killing me. I should have eaten only 1/2 or made my lunch as I planned.

After I took my insulin and started to doze off until it kicked in, I thought… “Why did I eat that?!”

Oh well, lesson learned and still learning.

But… Again… That fish sandwich was good!

Thanks for your support.

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