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It’s day 3 of my #NoBadSugarFast and Happy Sunday!!! No, seriously … HAPPY Sunday. I have so much to share.
  • Strawberries, blueberries, and grapes are my new candies.
  • Sesame seeds … I put dem thangs on er’thang!
  • My energy level was better today. (I guess I slept enough yesterday)
  • Hot Green Tea with 1 tbsp of honey feels soooo good!!!
  • I’m more “regular”
  • My blood sugar got as low as 120 even after I ate some fruit this afternoon.
  • Coffee without sweeteners still sucks. I’m beginning to question if my coffee addiction was really a sweetener addiction. SMH
  • Holding on to the salad dressing. Not ready to make my own yet. I am just using less.
  • I’ve noticed that my processed food cravings have changed to real food cravings (plantain chips, nuts, fruit, salad —- #IKR salad? But yes.)
  • S/N: Social Media has caused havoc on my Mental Health. So, to minimize social media distractions that make me rethink everything about my life and journey, I turned off my notifications on my phone. That Social Dopamine is so addictive. I am re-learning how to do other things in my downtime than looking at social media. Soo … see y’all tomorrow. 👋

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