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It is day 30 of my #NoBadSugarFast! I made it!!! This is what I’ve learned about Food and Me over the past 30 days. But first…


  • My blood sugar has been under 120 for most of the day.
  • I don’t have the sugar cravings like before.
  • I consciously made better choices even when my blood sugar dropped too low. I would normally grab something fast and processed.


  • I have to get myself on a food schedule and food prep.
  • I’m becoming a food snob. LOL
  • I’m scared to eat meat. (HOWEVER… I made my aunt baked chicken for dinner. And after it was done… I said to myself, “We’re eating chicken tonight!” and yes, it was delish!!! (see pic)



  • It can heal or kill me. I have a choice
  • Fruit is God’s Candy for us.
  • Finding Flavors is Fun!
  • Most Junk Food can be recreated with healthy alternatives… Even Big Macs. I’ve checked
  • Nutritional Yeast, Flaxseed Powder, and Chia Seeds are Magic.
  • Non-Dairy and Plant-Based are actually tasty.
  • Vegans don’t just eat salads. There are loads of Vegan junk foods. Again, it’s all about choices.


  • I love Me. Now it’s time to really show Me how much I love Me!!!
  • I can cook!
  • Cooking and prepping can be therapeutic.
  • Cooking is a love language.
  • I am proud of Me.
  • I need a support system. That is why I created the “I’m NOT A Vegan FB Group and started this blog.
  • I’m keeping this going. #NewLifestyle

Thank you for your support!

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